Flavorful and insanely delicious, just lick your fingers! Baking chicken wings in honey and soy sauce in the oven is easy, and the result will exceed all expectations. Roasted, with a golden crust, such appetizing wings will leave no one indifferent.


Change the composition
Portions: 3

  • Chicken wings 800 gr
  • Soy sauce 100 ml
  • Honey 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • Basil 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste


Cooking time: 1 година і 30 хвилин

Chicken wings in honey and soy sauce

  1. Step 1

    How to bake chicken wings in honey-soy sauce in the oven? Prepare the necessary ingredients. If you have frozen chicken wings, they need to be defrosted beforehand. To do this, leave them for a few hours at room temperature or defrost them in the microwave on defrost mode. If the honey is candied, it can be heated slightly in the microwave or on a water bath.chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 1

  2. Step 2

    Cut off the smallest part of each chicken wing. It is not useful for cooking. There is almost no meat on it, but it will burn when baked.chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 2

  3. Step 3

    For the sauce, take a large bowl and combine the soy sauce, honey and vegetable oil. Add the dried basil, salt and ground pepper. The soy sauce itself is quite salty, so add a little salt or no salt at all. Mix everything thoroughly.chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 3

  4. Step 4

    Put the chicken wings in the bowl with the sauce and mix well so that the sauce evenly coats the wings on all sides. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature for about an hour. During this time, the chicken meat will soak up the sauce. Turn the oven on 180 degrees in advance.chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 4

  5. Step 5

    Cover the baking tray with cooking paper. It is better not to use foil, as it sticks to the wings during baking and is difficult to remove. Spread the chicken wings over the entire surface of the tray and put the tray in an oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes. The exact time depends on your oven.chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 5

  6. Step 6

    The finished wings will turn a delicious golden color. Remove the tray from the oven and arrange the wings on plates.chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 6

  7. Step 7

    Serve the cooked wings in honey-soy sauce as a stand-alone appetizer or complement with a side dish of potatoes. Bon appetit!chicken wings in honey and soy sauce - 7


You can also prepare such wings by simply frying them in a frying pan.

Keep in mind that the quality and flavor of the finished dish largely depends on the correct defrosting of ingredients.

When adding soy sauce to a dish, it is worth considering that it has a rather salty flavor. Reduce the total amount of salt, otherwise you risk over-salting.

Keep in mind that everyone’s oven is different. The temperature and cooking time may differ from those specified in the recipe.

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